Iris Bloom Iris Stem

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I don't like purple. How can I pick another color scheme?
A: There is a color selection page from which you can select an alternate.

Q: How about having a section at the bottom of the board announcing birthdays?
A: There's already one. It just doesn't appear unless there actually is a birthday. You can also check on upcoming birthdays on the calendar.

Q: Why doesn't the quote button work?
A: It does. f you use the 'Reply' option directly under someone's post, it'll quote and reply in one click. The Quote buttons are mainly there to allow folks to quote multiple posts.

Q: <fill in feature> either doesn't work or gives me a 404 error. What's going on?
A: Do you have Javascript enabled? There's all sorts of AJAX and other javascript goodies that'll fail without it.

Q: Why is the avatar I set not showing up on my posts?
A: Make sure you set your avatar and not your personal photo. Go to 'My controls' in the top navigation bar and then 'Avatar settings' in the left-hand column.

Q: I got a message that I had too many pictures/emoticons. What's the limit?
A: 10 per post.

Q. If something's not working, to whom should I complain?
A. Send CamDawg a personal message or email him at

Q. Why do I get a 'Anti-spambot measures have halted your registration' message whan I try to register?
A. Make sure you answer the 'Are you human?' question on the registration form correctly.

Q. When I try to post, I receive a 'Anti-spambot measures have blocked your post for using a banned word or phrase' message. What gives?
A. To prevent form spam, certain words or phrases are banned. The list of banned words is kept as minimal as possible so as to not interfere with legitimate users and messages, but it may occasionally block a legitimate message. If you run afoul of the spam filter, it should contain a list of words and/or phrases in your post that tripped the filter. Please report it as a false positive to CamDawg so that the phrase/word can be removed from the filter.